POTS podcast…

Hey friends,

I haven’t been posting much recently because I have been super busy helping with a podcast! As you may remember, I am on the board for Standing Up to POTS, a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising awareness about POTS. We recently created a podcast called The POTScast. We have three types of episodes:

  1. Discuss of basics of POTS
  2. POTS Diaries – where we interview someone with POTS
  3. POTS Experts – where we interview some kind of POTS professional (whether it’s a doctor, occupational therapist, etc).

I agreed to share my story for one of the POTS Diaries, and you can listen to my episode below (please don’t feel like you have to listen just because you read this blog – I’m not offended. Also, I have a funny voice.)


I have also been helping with the behind the scenes for the podcast by preparing written transcripts for each episode for those who are hearing impaired, or just prefer to read the transcript rather than listen. I gave my first interview this week as well (as the interviewer, not the interviewee) and will be conducting more interviews of people with POTS in the future for the podcast. It has been lots of fun, but very time consuming.

If you haven’t checked out the POTScast yet, I highly recommend it. I know I’m biased, but it really is very well done. You should be able to find it anywhere podcasts are available, or the Standing Up to POTS website.

Smell ya later.


2 Replies to “POTS podcast…

  1. Wooooow Linds, this is so cool! You have an awesome voice (I realise that sounds kinda creepy). Not funny at all – I sound like a 10yr old girl with a squeaky voice, whereas you have a lovely tone and talk super clearly. Works really well for a Podcast.

    Like you, I was a healthy kid and didn’t really have any involvement with medial stuff at all other than general vaccines or the odd cold. And yes, you should absolutely be damn proud of what you do even when you’re not well enough, and for graduating law school, let alone what came after. None of that could have been easy. Super proud.

    Fab Podcast!! 🙌💜

    Caz xx

    1. Thanks for taking the time to listen, Caz! You are always so supportive of everyone, and I feel fortunate to know you. I’m grateful for that kind of support in my life. I think we could all use more if it!

      Isn’t it crazy how we could be so healthy as kids, and at some point have something go terribly wrong? I guess I’m grateful for my healthy childhood, because I can’t imagine missing out on all of the “normal” kid things, like school, dances, friends, etc.

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