
Hello, and welcome to my blog Musings of a Dysautonomiac! I am Lindsay, your host and resident dysautonomiac.

This is me:

I suffer from postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (“POTS”), which is a form of dysautonomia. Sometimes, due to POTS, I look like this:

At the top of this page, you will see a directory of pages of this blog, including a “Glossary”. If at any time you do not understand the meaning of a word I have included, you will probably find it defined in the Glossary. If you come across a word to which you don’t know the meaning and it is NOT in the glossary, please comment on the post and let me know so I may add it.

You will also see a page called “More About Dysautonomia”. That page includes a summary of dysautnomia as well as links to pages with more information. The “About” page includes more information about me and this blog, and includes my contact information. Please feel free to email me and I will do my best to respond quickly.

The purpose of this blog is to connect with friends, family and my fellow dysautonomiacs, although I’m hoping it turns into more than just an endless rant about the challenges of POTS.

Stay tuned.

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P.S. If you have a chronic illness blog, please let me know. I’d love to add you to my blogroll list!

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